Saturday, September 21st 2024

Village administrators in Munaung refuse to collect list relating military service

The  village administrators in Manaung township of Rakhine State have declined to gather the list of individuals required to serve in the military, as per the directive of the military junta.

An administrator informed Narinjara News that they were instructed to provide a list of eligible young and middle-aged men for conscription to the township general administrator by 16 March. However, all administrators refused to comply with the order.


"They told that the administrators must collect the concerned list for military service. So, we informed the general administrator that if we have to do the task, we will not be able to continue as administrators anymore," he said.

He mentioned that due to the conscription law, many young and middle-aged individuals  in Manaung island have been fleeing.

“We advised the young people not to worry. However, they are extremely worried and frightened. Nevertheless, they believe fleeing is an option," he asserted.


As of 22 March, the village administrators stated that they had not received any response from the military junta regarding their failure to provide the particular lists.

An elderly citizen informed Narinjara News that about 100 soldiers had arrived in Manaung by a navy ship.


“They were transported to the town after being picked up from Pa Lin village and Kone Tan villages," he stated.

Relevant departments have been instructed not to dig trenches in Manaung’s villages. Moreover, the  junta has been reinforcing the military forces.

Manaung island comprises 41 village-tracts and 140 villages. Each military training batch is expected to recruit 15 individuals from the entire island.

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