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“Our operation period will be extended. Our operation willbecome more intense. To sum up, the current revolution, our forces and thepeople will win.” Khun Bee Htoo, Chair of KNDF

Narinjara News (Interview), November 17, 2023


An interview with KNDF Chair Khun Bee Htoo aboutthe launch of Operation 11.11

Revolutionary forces captured seven military council’soutposts in Demoso Township, Nanmalkhone, Moebye and Loikaw Township, andseized nearly 100 various weapons with the launch of “Operation 11.11” on 11November.


“Operation 11.11” is jointly being conducted by the KarenniArmy (KA), Karenni Nationalities Defense Force (KNDF), Karenni NationalPeople’s Liberation Front (KNPLF), Demoso People’s Defense Force (PDF),Loikaw-PDF, Moebye PDF, Pekon PDF, Phruso PDF, Urban Guerrilla Forceand Southern Shan PDF.


In a one-day offensive operation, the force successfullycaptured seven military outposts and seized a large quantity of arms andammunition. This is a big success for the current war, according to thestatement by the KNDF.


At a time when the joint force was attacking the militarycouncil’s outposts, the military forces based in Demoso, Loikaw and Moebyefired too many heavy weapons. Two fighter jets of the military council firednearly 20 times in the fighting between Loikaw and Demoso Townships, and alsofired about two times with an attack helicopter.


During the fierce fighting, a fighter plane of the militarycouncil was shot by the revolutionary forces KNDF-B01 and KA with Pointfive machine gun and then, the plane crashed. The two military councilpilots also jumped out of the plane with a parachute. Now the military councilis searching for the missing pilots. In the battle that started on 11 November,the Karenni force was able to shoot down a fighter jet and captured manymilitary outposts. The military council suffered heavy casualties. Some soldierssurrendered to the Karenni force. In addition, there are many military councilsoldiers who have left the camp and run away. The KNDF also said that thefighting could become more intense.

The Narinjara interviewed KNDF’s Chair Khun Bee Htoo aboutthe Operation 11.11” which launched on 11 November and the ongoing fighting.


Q: Why did the KNDFlaunch “Operation 11.11” on 11 November?

A: “Operation 11.11” is the continuation of operationsconducted throughout the Spring Revolution. Recent days, the “Operation 1027”was launched in northern Shan State. We use this name to coordinate andformulate the operation on 11 November. All the operations aim to overthrow thedictator, create self-determination and establish a federal union.


Q: As the battle has been intense since thebeginning, how can the next battle be?

A: The battles will be intense for the next few days. We aremonitoring the conditions of the military council. The military councilconducted offensives against us throughout this summer. After we captured Mesein the rainy season, we monitored the military council’s offensives. Now, weare doing our best to fight together with other revolutionary allies. We mainlycarry out targeted attacks on the military outposts which inspected andoppressed the public. We mainly captured the outposts which attacked ourrevolutionary forces and collected taxes.


Q: Why do you support “Operation 1027”?

A: We have a friendly relation and better link with theThree Brotherhood Alliance. The operation launched by the Three BrotherhoodAlliance is the most successful operation in Myanmar today. They could takecontrol of many territories and are making crackdowns on gambling and moneyscams on the border. In addition,they are fighting against the oppression of the military council and trying toroot out the military dictatorship. There is coordination between the armedforces for military operations. But this is not politically motivated byChinese influence, as some people fear. We are only working on it because it isnecessary for our country. The current armed revolution in the country isfighting for the reform of our country. We aim to create self-determination andestablish a federal democratic country, which all of our ethnic groups arelonging for. We are fighting for independence and justice for every region. Wewill be able to build a more independent community without tyranny if we canregain control of our region. Each of our states and ethnic groups must buildfor the development of their own regions. That is why we have established linkswith the Three Brotherhood Alliance and are doing military cooperation. We arealso working with other PDFs. It is always connected like a network with nationwideoperations. In this way, our connections will be expanded and we will continueto work together to strengthen the entire operation.


Q: It is reported that a fighter jet was shotdown yesterday. May I know the latest situation about it. How is the situationof the two pilots?

A: We know that the plane is of the KH type. The militarycouncil mostly uses training aircrafts as attack aircrafts. There were twopilots on this plane. We were supposed to be able to shoot the plane down whenthey dropped the bomb. The plane crashed somewhere in Phruso Township and weare still searching for the two missing pilots.


Q: If you have anything else to say about theongoing operation, please let me know.

A: Our operation period will be extended. Our operation willbecome more intense. To sum up, the current revolution, our forces and thepeople will win. Now, if the soldiers of the military council do not defect tothe public, they will be crushed. There will be loss of life. It will end inbloodshed. They will automatically get into trouble while fighting for a groupof military dictators. Therefore, all military council troops need to defect tothe public. This is not a loss of dignity due to the defection to the people.If we all love the truth and want to reform the country, we need to stand withthe people. We all always welcome and open a door to them.

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