Saturday, July 27th 2024

Three Civilians including a relative of AA Spokesperson are taken by Military

Narinjara News, 9 July 2019:

Three civilian including a relative of Arakan Army Spokesperson, Khaing Thukha from Dat Taw village of Ann township were reportedly taken by Myanmar Army for questioning and now held in police station of Ann Town, the administrator of Dat Taw village has confirmed.

The administrator said, “The two men were taken at around nine on Saturday morning and I was informed about them for questioning. But, they did not mention why. They are detained in the police station’.  

 Those who were taken for questioning were Maung Phyu Than, the brother in law of Khaing Thukha, U San Aung Kyaw and U Ree Baw Thu from Pauk Taw township.

One of the relatives of U Maung Phyu Than also said that the man was taken by military and jailed in the township Police Station of Ann as the family members have gone for the news.

Asking about the incident, there was no further reply from Ann township police station.

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