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Nine persons including three girls injured by artillery shells in two Townships

  • By: Web Master
  • | Date: 30 October 2020
  • | Viewer: 2.2k

Ein Soe Pru
Narinjara News, 30 October 2020

Nine individuals including three girls were seriously injured when the artillery shells exploded yesterday in three villages under Minbya and Pauktaw townships in Rakhine State.

The injured persons from Minbya Township were identified as Ma Than Than Soe (14 years old), Ma Htay Htay Wai (13) and U Aung Kyaw Nu (60) from Sakya Ye village and U Myo Min Zaw (32) from Thet Pone village.

Those from Pauktaw Township  include  Ma U Mya Win (6),  Ma Than Nu Win (25), U Than Nu (27), Daw Ma Tun Sein (58) and U Aung Thar Maung (53) from Kyaw Shin village.

Ma Than Than Soe has been shifted to Sittwe general hospital with serious injuries whereas U Myo Min Zaw  was taken to Minbya township hospital. Other injured individuals were admitted to Pauktaw township hospital, said a social worker U Kyaw Kyaw Khaing in Pauk Taw.

U Myo Min Zaw father-in-law U Kyaw Maung Oo informed that he received injuries on his head as two Navy vessels fired the shells while returning from Minbya to Sittwe at around 12 noon.

He expressed dissatisfaction over the actions by the soldiers.

An elder from Kyaw Shin village claimed that the firing was done by the navy people. However, the Tatmadaw True News has not responded to the incident. It has not issued any statement till date.

Earlier on 28 October, a boat carrying ICRC relief-items was fired on Mayu river where an 18 years old boatman died on the spot with fire sustained injuries. Two among them were immediately hospitalized.

Over  300 civilians were killed and more than 600 individuals injured in the ongoing conflicts in Rakhine State since December 2018.

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