
Nine people detained at Sittwe No. 1 Police Station reported to be removed by Junta’s military intelligence agents  

November 22/ 2022 | View Counts :1601

NarinjaraNews, November 22, 2022

Relatives of nine detainees fear from for their safety,after Military Council intelligence agents took the detainees away from No. 1Police Station in Sittwe township of Rakhine State, where they had initiallybeen held.

Out of the nine detainees , six are young students living inGandaryone Monastery in Danyawaddy(A) ward of Sittwe township, and three are locals from nearby Athawka RamaMonastery.

A family member said.” Earlier all 9 were detained at SittweNo. 1 Police Station until the morning of November 18. When the family memberswent to the police station to bring food that night, the police told them thatthe detainees were taken away. A family member said that they are very worriedbecause of various rumors about the arrests.”

This relative continued, “ People from Athawka RamaMonastery told me that 6 youths from another monastery were also taken away. Icontacted the police and they said they didn't know anything .”

The family member continued,“ We don’t know anythingparticular yet. At first we heard that they were taken by military intelligenceofficers. Later we heard that they were sent to the regional commandheadquarters. But there is no clear news. We have not been allowed to meetthem. But at the moment, we understand that they have been taken by themilitary intelligence. We don't know where they are and what is going on, soeveryone is worried.”

When the people were apprehended, no specific reason wasgiven for the arrests, and the family members did not hear anything from themuntil 5 days later, which raises questions about how the law operates inMyanmar, the family member continued.

"The families should be informed about why they havebeen arrested, and where they are being held. I wish the authorities had a kindheart. We have not been allowed to see them since the day they were arrested.Everyone is very worried. I would like to ask what is the legal justificationfor this kind of treatment.? ”, the family member added.

The 6 arrested at Gandary one Monastery are Maung Aung BoKhin (23), Maung Aung Lin Soe (20), Maung Soe Min (21), all are Myat Thaukvillagers of Ponnagyun township, Maung Aung Nyein (21), Maung Zaw Hlaing Oo(20) from Pe Si Nan village of Ponnagyun and Khwa Soan villager Maung Kan Soe(25) from Kyauktaw Township.

The 3 arrested at Athawka Rama Monastery are U Tun SeinMaung (48), U Maung Hla Tun (46)and U Oo Soe Win (29). They drive motortricycles for a living.

All of them were arrested by the Military Council troops andthe police at around midnight on November 11.

Among the arrested youths, 5 from Myat Thauk and Pe Si Nan villages had beenattending computer, English, Japanese and Korean speaking courses, after takingthe university entrance examinations. Khwa Soan villager Maung Kan Soe works ata motorcycle workshop.

When the three from Athawka Rama Monastery were arrested,their phones and motor tricycles were confiscated too.

#Military Council# Human rights violations
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