
The Voice Journal’s former chief editor U Kyaw Min Swe, actress May Pan Che, singer Shwe Yi Thein Tan prosecuted under section 505(a)

April 21/ 2023 | View Counts :3022

Narinjara News, 21 April 2023

The Voice Journal's former editor-in-chief U Kyaw Min Swe,actress May Pan Che, singerShwe Yi Thein Tan along withanother woman, who were arrestedby the military council a few days back, have been prosecuted under section 505 (a) on Friday, saidfamily members.

Former editor U Kyaw Min Swe was arrested from his residence at Myay Ni Gone (north) ward of Sanchaung township by 6:40 pm on 12April.

On the previous day, actress May Pan Che (also known as Ma May Pan Che Soe Naung) and singer Shwe Yi Thein Tan picked up from their residences at Dagon Myothit (north)ward 38 at 6:30 pm and 6:40 pm respectively.

The military council is understood to charge and prosecute all of them for allegedly writing pieces andinstigating the civil servants and commonpeople to take the laws on their hands following the casualties caused bymilitary air strikes at Pazigyi village under Kanbalu township.

Another woman named Ma Htet Htet Hlaing, who was arrested on 19 April from her residence at Dagon Myothit(north) ward 41.

She was also prosecuted for allegedly spreading false information with a doctored image of a sign at YangonThingyan pavilion.

Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP) reveals that 17,563 individuals have beenarbitrarily detained by the military juntasince 1 February 2021 coup (till 20 April 2023). Out of them 5,642 have been convicted andimprisoned.


#Military Council# Human rights violations
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