Saturday, July 27th 2024

TNLA, MNDAA expresses condolence for cyclone victims

The Palaung State Liberation Front/ Ta’ang National Liberation Army (PSLF/TNLA) and the Myanmar National Truth and Justice Party/ Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNTJP/MNDAA)-Kokang issued a statement today about the losses and damage caused by cyclone Mocha which struck Arakan State on 14 May, 2023.


According to the statement, the PSLF/TNLA and the MNTJP/MNDAA are deeply saddened to hear that Cyclone Mocha, which centered on the Arakan coast and entered near the city of Sittwe and swept across the entire Arakan State, caused great damage.


We are especially sorry for the people who lost their lives due to the cyclone Mocha. The cyclone Mocha destroyed many houses, buildings, religious buildings, schools, transportation facilities, cattles, rice and foodstuffs. The cyclone-hit people in Arakan State are in need of emergency assistance. On behalf of the people in Arakan State, super power countries, neighbouring countries and international organizations are requested to provide necessary emergency aid and carry out rehabilitation work, the statement says.


The TNLA and the MNDAA-Kokang will stand with our ally, the United League of Arakan/Arakan Army (ULA/AA) and help the ULA/AA in order to collectively overcome the natural disaster the Arakan people faced.


Our brotherhood alliance earnestly believes that the ULA/AA can do its best by leading the public, CSOs and philanthropic organizations in the systematic management of emergency aid and rehabilitation works for the people in cyclone-affected Arakan State.


The Three Brotherhood Northern Alliance are: the TNLA, the AA and the MNDAA-Kokang.

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