Saturday, July 27th 2024

Rathedaung camp supporting 2,000 people destroyed by cyclone Mocha

The IDP camp at Zaydi Byint village under Rathedaung township of Rakhine State was completely destroyed by the cyclone Mocha, which put more than 2,000 refugees in great difficulties for survival.

Nearly 90% of houses (out of total 8,00) were destroyed in Zaydi village because of the storm.

"Villagers are also facing difficulties due to the storm. If sufficient relief itmes do not come on time, the villagers will be in serious condition. They may have to starve,” said social worker Ko Aung Min Soe.

After the IDP camp collapses, the villagers have no place to live.


If the situation does not improve, they may have to face serious health problems. He appealed to everyone including INGOs to help the people with tarpaulins as soon as possible.

Myanmar military council on 18 May revealed that cyclone Mocha destroyed 44,512 private houses and religious buildings in over 600 Rakhine villages.


However, even after five days of the natural disaster, no emergency relief items have reached the affected families.

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