Saturday, July 27th 2024

Even after international aid arrives in Myanmar, cyclone-affected Rakhine residents yet to get it

Even though it  has been 11 days since the cyclone Mocha hit RakhineState, no aid from the military government or international communityarrives for the storm affected families.

The  devastated Rakhine people are waiting for  aid from Thailand, India and other Asean

Mentionable is that a large number of items, donated by the international community for the cyclone affected Rakhine people, have arrived in the prime city of Myanmar, but it has not been transported to Rakhine State yet.

"A large volume of charity goods have arrived in the mainland and those were received by the junta authorities. But those items have not reached the cyclone affected families,” said a resident of Sittwe, the capital city of Arakan State.

He added that some areas in  Sittwe have witnessed the distribution of rice grains and eggs, but the majority of affected city dwellers are deprived of those items.

"The international community has donated many items to Rakhine cyclone victims which were received by the military council representatives, but those have not been sent to Rakhine State till date,” he asserted.

Thailand on 23 May donated around 20 tons of materials comprising temporary shelters, mosquito nets and ready-made noodles to the  cyclonic storm affected people of Myanmar.

India also provided 25 tons of goods including nutritional biscuits, medicines, sardines, tents, and tarpaulins. On 20 May, three Indian navy ships delivered these items at  Yangon port.

Asean countries also sent 15,550 pounds of relief materials worth US$ 60,000 to Yangon on 22 May.

“Even though the relief materials were received by the military personnel, those are not immediately transported to the affected localities of Rakhine State. The people are taking shelter in monasteries, school buildings etc as they have lost their houses  to the cyclone. They need support urgently,” said  a resident of Kyauk Taw township.

According to local residents and social organizations, townships like Sittwe, Rathedaung, Ponna Kyunt, Kyauk Taw,  Pauk Taw etc were severely affected by Mocha, where  95% of houses have been destroyed.

Rakhine State military council revealed  that the storm had affected 1156,796 people. It killed 148 individuals and demolished 24,071 structures. At least  27,617 domestic animals had also lost their lives in the cyclone. Cost of the damage is estimated to Kyats 48986 lakhs.

Caption: Representatives from the military council receive donations from India and Thailand.

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