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18 drugs peddlers along with 12 lakh pills caught in Rakhine during 9 months

  • By: Web Master
  • | Date: 13 September 2023
  • | Viewer: 1.1k

Since 1 January 2023 till the second week of September, 18methamphetamine dealers along with 1263637 banned pills (including 300ICEs and prohibited powder) were caught and seized across Rakhine State.

Rakhine military council source reveals that Maungdaw locality emerges as the hot bed of illegal drugs activities. Other affected townships include Sittwe, Buthidaung and Toungup.

Among the arrested individuals there are four women namely Ma Win Shwe (28 years old), Ma Moe Moe (25) from Tharikonpaw village under Maungdaw township, Ma Fatema from  Thet Kay Byint area of Sittwe township, with another lady.

The arrested persons were caught red handed while they were delivering the pills to the middlemen.

Among the seized methamphetamine pills, 477,750 were found at Noor Bo Chou’s residence in Gyung Chuang village under Maungdaw township on 11 February.

On the other hand, 273,000 pills were seized from  the mouth of a creek near to Ngan Chuang village soccer field.

According to the military authority, total value of the seized pills will be Kyats 1.5 billion.

There is no production unit of  Yaba pills in Rakhine State, but the peddlers  are using the State as a route to send those items to Bangladesh.

On 5 April 2022, nearly 15 million methamphetamine pills were seized from a vehicle coming  from Yangon to Mrauk U locality at Pa Padong checkpoint in Ann township of Rakhine State. The seizing of pills was a big catch for the anti-narcotics forces in two years under the military rule.

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