Saturday, July 27th 2024

Over 80,000 WY pills seized in Maungdaw of Rakhine State, peddlers escaped

  • By: Web Master
  • | Date: 25 October 2023
  • | Viewer: 15.3k

Altogether 83,250 WY pills of schizophrenia were seized by the military council border guards from Maungdaw township of Rakhine State, which is close to the Bangladesh border.

 The illegal drugs, worth Kyats 166.5 million, were seized at about 5:30 pm on 23 October from the river bank, which is two miles north of Re Myet Taung village in northern Maungdaw locality.

The State military council stated that three men carried the packages where the drugs were found. However, the peddlers could escape.

On 19, 20 and 22 October, six persons were arrested and nearly 200,000 WY ecstasy pills worth Kyats 3,00 million were seized from their possessions in Maungdaw township.


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