It is reported that around 100 junta soldiers andborder guard policemen from the Ah Ngu Maw camp were taken to Sittwe on thenight of 24 November.
"They ran away by 11 pm. I believe there weremore than 100 individuals in Ah Ngu Maw border guard station. They all weretaken away by a navy ferry. Thus the camp was abandoned," said a localresident.
Another 100 also left Taung Oo military camp.
"It's true that the soldiers left the camp, but Idon't know exactly when they left," said a local woman.
A Rakhine militaryanalyst said that it is possible to reinforce the soldiers and border guard policemenin Sittwe or Pauk Taw townships. Both thecamps were closer to Dom Pei and Chang Khli camps, which are now under thecontrol of AA since 14 November.
At least 40 camps, outposts and army bases belongingto the Burmese army have been abandoned by the junta forces in Rakhine Statesince the AA resumed its offensive against the soldiers on 13 November.