
Food prices soaring in Rakhine State

December 09/ 2023 | View Counts :2713

Following the renewed conflictsin Rakhine State, the militarycouncil hasblocked all major roads andwaterways which leads to soaring prices of essentialcommodities including the food products.


Soon after the gunfighting broke out inthe first week of November, the prices of variouscommodities increased significantly.


Now one viss of Chinesegarlic costs MMK 20,000 whichwas earlier MMK 15,000. Similarly, one viss of onion increasesits price from MMK 4,000 to MMK 20,000, oneviss of ginger from MMK 10,000 to MMK 12,000, oneviss of dried chili from MMK 10,000 to MMK 60,000, and one litreof Good Choice oil jumpedprices from MMK 6,000 to MMK 60,000.


So both themiddle-class and lower middle-class families inRakhine State have been facing difficultiesin running thefamily affairs.


"If the largerstores start sellinggoods with elevatedprices, we are bound to buy and later sell with the higherrates. Now common people hardly afford tobuy these items. So the sales droppedalmost three times.Everyone is facing a difficult timehere,” said a small grocery owner.


Many dishonestbusinessmen are now sellingstored goods with higher prices. A large number of poorfamilies are facing food scarcity because of the increasing price rise.


"The prices of all commodities are nowincreasing. We don't havejobs as well. No customers are taking the motorbikesidecar on rent. Moreover,rising fuel pricesare creating problems for the motorbike riders.Now I can not even get commodities on on credit. Ihave to seek assistance from the monastery,” said a motorbikeowner.


Before the resurgence of gunfighting, the price of 92 RON gasoline inSittwe township was MMK2,200 per litre. It had gone to MMK3,000 in the second week of November and by endof the month, it had increasedup to MMK 10,000. Nowit has surged to MMK 27,000.


"When the price increases,it decreases the profit for vendors. Often the vegetables getdamaged and it leads to a heavy loss. Oftenwe have to offer commodities with credit to manycustomers. Lately we incur loss whiledoing business,” said a womanvegetable vendor.


Currently, the militarycouncil hasblocked Yangon-Sittwe highway along with otherroads connecting various townshipsand it has created a difficult situationfor the residents.

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