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Attack by AA on reinforcing warships in Pauktaw Township results in one warship hit and a retreat with serious casualties

  • By: Web Master
  • | Date: 23 December 2023
  • | Viewer: 3.4k

According to a statement released by the Three Brotherhood Alliance on December 21, the Arakan Army (AA) attacked three vessels that were stationed to support Pauktaw Township. One of the vessels was hit as a result, forcing it to retreat with casualties.


This information was included in the report outlining the battle updates on the 56th day of Operation 1027.


On December 21, at approximately 1:00 PM, the Arakan Army (AA) engaged in continued combat with some remaining troops of the Military Council in Pauktaw Township. Despite the Military Council's week-long efforts to reinforce troops and weapons in Pauktaw Township, the AA effectively obstructed their attempts. On this day, the Military Council attempted reinforcement with three warships, but due to AA attacks, one of the warships was struck. This resulted in casualties among the enemy reinforcements, leading the warships to retreat, as stated in the report.


The statement further conveyed that certain remaining troops of the Military Council in Pauktaw Township deliberately set fire to residential houses in the urban wards, specifically Pan Thee ward and No.3 ward.


Furthermore, a resident of Sittwe informed Narinjara News that at around 10:00 AM on December 21, they heard artillery shells being fired from the navy stationed at the mouth of the Kaladan River in Sittwe Township towards Pauktaw Township, where the conflict between the two sides is ongoing.


"The sounds are deafening. They are firing shells continuously. The continuous firing lasted for approximately 15 minutes, and currently, there is a pause," stated the resident.


Furthermore, a local source in Pauktaw informed Narinjara News that Myoma market and nearby houses in Pauktaw Township were engulfed in flames due to artillery shells fired by the navy of the Military Council around 1 PM on December 20.


"It's not arson. It was caused by artillery shells. This is a deliberate attack. Currently, not even a quarter of Pauktaw Township remains," stated the source.


The source further mentioned that the conflict in Pauktaw Township remained intense, and the Military Council was making efforts to enhance their reinforcements via the sea.


On December 20, at approximately 3:30 PM, two Landing Craft Mechanized (LCM) vehicles of the Military Council, stationed near Nan Tet Kyun Village in the Pauktaw River, advanced towards Pauktaw Township, and fired artillery shells and small arms into the town for approximately 10 minutes, according to the statement.


In other news related to the military, on December 21, around 9:00 AM, about 80 troops from the Military Council entered Taw Kan Village in Sittwe Township. They intentionally set fire to the village dormitories and used drones to monitor Taw Kan Village and its surrounding areas, as reported in the statement.


At around 10:55 AM on December 21, the 541st Light Infantry Battalion and 379th Light Infantry Battalion of the Military Council, stationed at Mal Taw mountain in Minbya Township, indiscriminately launched artillery shells into the vicinity of Pha Long Pyin village, where civilians reside despite the absence of any ongoing fighting, as reported.


The Arakan Army (AA) retaliated by firing artillery shells at the aforementioned battalions. Furthermore, a helicopter belonging to the Military Council flew in and carried out an attack for a few minutes near Kyat Sin Bridge in Minbya Township, the statement said.


On December 20, at 9:19 AM, the Military Council camp, situated over 10,000 meters northeast of Tha Yat Taw village in Ramree Township, Rakhine State, fired 20 rounds of artillery shells for over 3 hours. Around 1:00 PM, the camp discharged artillery shells 8 times towards the hill northwest of Kyat Tha Yay village in Ramree Township.


Furthermore, at 5:44 PM on December 20, the Military Council base on the hill approximately 380 meters west of Ramree Township and northeast of Tha Yat Taw village launched 13 rounds of 60mm artillery at Kyat Tha Yay village and nearby hills, continuing for almost an hour and a half. Moreover, the Military Council's barge in the Ka Lain Taung river also fired artillery shells at the urban wards and nearby villages.


On December 20, at 7:46 AM, the 543rd Light Infantry Battalion of the Military Council, situated over 1,400 meters northeast of Kazu Kaing village in Ann Township, launched at least 20 rounds of 81 mm and 120 mm artillery towards Ann Township, Swe Chaung Village, and Sin Oo Thaik Village. The shelling persisted for more than 9 hours, and the Military Council's jet fighter also conducted airstrikes, as mentioned in the statement.


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