A local resident informed that approximately 50 juntasoldiers entered the village at around 9 am on Monday and carried out the arsonattack.
"Since last night, they have been firingartillery shells and also using small arms continuously. This morning, theydeployed a helicopter to devastate Taw Kan village with arson attacks. Thesight of smoke rising from the village at a distance is distressing. Theseinhumane actions leave us at a loss for words. We had to escape with a piece ofclothing only," he added.
A resident of Taw Kan village told Narinjara News thatat approximately 3:30 pm on 14 January, a helicopter fired shots between TawKan and Wah Bo villages under Sittwe township. Consequently, thevillagers of Taw Kan fled to safer places.
Narinjara News communicated with a villager whoconveyed that around 80 houses are engulfed by the flame.
According to the Rakhine political analysts, the juntawas grappling with substantial losses in the ongoing conflicts against theArakan Army (AA) and the soldiers are now forcing on innocent civilians. Theyalso resorted to firing artillery shells at villages and wards continuously.
The residents stated that the fire in Taw Kan villagedamaged over 200 houses and the arson continued till 10 am on Monday.
On 23 December at around 2 pm, approximately 50soldiers entered the wharf in Taw Kan village and took away numerous bags ofrice and other items.