
Junta Violate Ceasefire Agreement, Launch Offensive against TNLA in Mogok Township

January 23/ 2024 | View Counts :7992

 The junta violated the ceasefire agreement andlaunched a new offensive against the Ta'ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) inMogok Township of Mandalay Division.


At approximately 8 PM on January 22, juntaforces launched an attack on the 8-Mile area located between Mogok and Mongmit(Momeik) townships, where TNLA troops were stationed, leading to clashes,according to TNLA's news and information department.


Clash erupted as junta forces attacked the TNLAin Mogok, located within Ta'ang Military Region No. 2.


In the clash, the TNLA seized three weaponsfrom the junta forces.


Similarly, on January 13, junta forces from the501st and 502nd Battalions, stationed in Kyaukme Township as part of Ta'angMilitary Region No. 2, initiated an attack on Nyein Chan Yay Kone (Peace Hill),where the TNLA was deployed.


At that time, the Palaung State LiberationFront (PSLF), the political wing of TNLA, issued a statement clarifying thatTNLA troops had temporarily retreated due to concerns that local residentsmight be caught and endangered by the armed clashes.


Despite signing the ceasefire agreement onJanuary 11, the junta forces have consistently violated the ceasefire byconducting repeated incursions, artillery barrages, and airstrikes in Mongmit,Mogok, Kyaukme, Namkham, and Lashio townships, as reported in the TNLA'sstatement.

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