
Three Brotherhood Alliance expresses full confidence in complete capture of remaining battalions in Kyauktaw, Mrauk-U and Minbya

January 31/ 2024 | View Counts :5836

Three Brotherhood Allianceyesterday expressed full confidence that the Arakan Army (AA) will successfullycapture all the junta battalions in Kyauktaw, Mrauk-U and Minbya, three majortowns in Rakhine State currently under attack by AA fighters.


The current offensive is ina favorable condition, said a statement issued by the Three BrotherhoodAlliance.


"We are continuing ouroffensive to completely capture the remaining battalions in Kyauktaw, Mrauk-U,and Minbya townships. We are confident that we will achieve it soon as thecurrent situation is favourable to us," stated the statement.

The AA fighters have completely captured theMinbya-based 380th light infantry battalion and Kyauktaw-based 374th lightinfantry battalion following their offensive. Despite the military junta tryingto protect these battalions with the use of air force and navy personnel, itfailed.


Now the  AA fighters arelaunching an offensive against the 9th military operations command (MOC-9) inKyauktaw township, a crucial military headquarters in Rakhine State. Reportsfrom the ground reveal that the  AA is going to capture MOC-9.

From 30 January, the AA commandos have been launchingattacks on the 379th and 541st light infantry battalions, which are theremaining battalions in Minbya. By now, a significant number of weapons wereseized from the 379th battalion.

A number of soldiers, including the battalioncommander, were killed in the 379th battalion, where they had dug a tunnel andtried to resist. At least 53 soldiers were captured alive by the AA fightersduring the battle.


In Minbya, there are threebattalions namely 380th, 379th and 541st.Despite intense aerial bombardment andartillery shelling from the warships to prevent their collapses, the soldierscouldn't stand against the AA members leading to the entire battalion falls.


Many soldiers, sent asreinforcements to Minbya on naval warships, were killed during the attack by AAjmembers. The bodies of junta soldiers were seen floating on Yar Maung riverwater.

The AA fighters have captured the 374th battalion inKyauktaw locality  and the remaining MOC-9 is facing the offensive. Twomore battalions namely  375th and 376th are also reportedly fighting in abad condition.


In the Mrauk-U urbanareas,  540th, 377th and 378th battalions are facing attacks from the AAmembers. The whole township is under intense attack like major towns namelyKyauktaw or Minbya.


The 15th military operationscommand (MOC-15) based in Buthidaung is also under attack by AA members andcasualties are reported among the soldiers at Sai Tin bridge in southernButhidaung locality as well as a hill-based camp.


In Ramree (Yanbye) township,the junta has been engaging air force and navy personnel. Various parts of thetown are destroyed with the deployment of chemical bombs. The residents alsoinformed that many soldiers fled from the locality and some had surrenderedtheir weapons.

Residents reported to Narinjara News that on 29January, two junta navy warships delivered reinforcements of over 100 soldiersnear Pyaing Chaung Gyi village. Now 40 out of them are reportedly missing andsome surrendered to the AA. However, it’s not confirmed by the AA officials.


In a recent interview,captain Lin Htet Aung, who participated in the civil disobedience movement(CDM) against the military junta's coup, revealed that Rakhine State may facesimilar conditions like northern Shan State.

"I anticipate that Rakhine will soon witness ascenario akin to northern Shan State with the potential capture of many towns.The military situation may evolve to a point where even the military'sheadquarters would fall. Despite the junta forces deploying its navy, airforce, and army personnel in the Rakhine region, their military power seemingly falls short to the AA fighters. Success in capturing the entire RakhineState will depend on the military objectives of the Three Brotherhood Alliance,"he commented.

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