
AA successfully captures Kyauktaw’s 374th battalion

February 01/ 2024 | View Counts :5415

The Arakan Army (AA)captured the entire 374th light infantry battalion based in Kyauktaw of RakhineState on 30 January.

"The AA fighters havesuccessfully captured the entire 374th battalion under MOC-9 on Tuesday despite the junta forces' continuous airstrikes," said a statementissued by the AA.

All the major Rakhine townslike Kyauktaw, Mrauk-U, Minbya, etc are witnessing intense clashes between the junta forces and AA fighters every day. In Buthidaung, Maungdaw andRamree (Yanbye) townships, sporadic skirmishes are occurring.

Due to the AA's offensive aiming to seize the junta'simportant battalions in Kyauktaw, Mrauk-U, Minbya, and Rathedaung townships,the intensity of fighting is increased.

Despite continuous airstrikes by the junta forces,the AA fighters could capture the entire 374th battalion based in Kyauktawunder MOC-9.

On 28 January, the AAfighters courageously captured the 380th battalion under MOC-9 located inMinbya township. It happened even though the junta used all three forces namelythe army, navy and air force.

Now the offensive to capture the remaining battalionsin Kyauktaw, Mrauk-U and Minbya townships is going on. The AA leadershipexpressed  full confidence that all junta camps would be captured. 

In Ramree township, insteadof engaging in skirmishes, the junta forces this week devastated  theentire town with airstrikes and artillery shells.

Over 120 junta soldiers, arriving in Ramree townshipas reinforcements and joined by remaining troops, engaged in clashes with theAA fighters. There were casualties on both sides. The AA fighters have seizedammunition and military equipment, including materials airdropped yesterday.The conflict in Ramree town is expected to intensify in the coming days.

The AA statement further declared that every militarycamp, which oppressed the Rakhine people for all the years, as well as theremaining camps will be targeted in the coming days.

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