Saturday, July 27th 2024

Junta forces launch chemical bomb attacks on Ramree again

  • By: Web Master
  • | Date: 10 February 2024
  • | Viewer: 1.7k

The military junta has once again launched an attack on Ramree (Yanbye) township of  Rakhine State using the chemical bombs, claimed Three Brotherhood Alliance.


In a  statement issued on Wednesday, the forum said, "The 'terrorist' military junta deliberately targeted Ramree township with chemical bombs on 27 January, repeating the act on Thursday for the second time."


During the junta's airstrikes and artillery shelling, explosions from artillery shells occurred at Pa Lote Taung quarter in number 6 ward of Ramree and also surrounding areas.

The junta forces conducted at least five airstrikes on Ramree at 1:28 pm on 7 February using jet fighters. At  2 pm, a navy warship fired artillery shells for five times, asserted the statement.


It also mentioned that the military base at Thein Taung Kone pagoda in Ramree  continuously fired artillery shells from around 9 am to 5:40 m on Thursday.

The junta forces abducted a 40-year-old resident of Sun Pan Chai Thae Tan village in Marazai of  Kyaukphyu township at 10:50 am on 7 February.

The resident was waiting at Pyi Thar Yar market jetty of  Kyaukphyu to pick up students coming to attend examinations and then six civilian-clothed junta forces arrived at the location. They abducted the villager with his boat through  Nga La Pwe creek in Kyaukphyu township.


Lately, more civilians have been arrested by the soldiers from those localities, concluded the statement.

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