
Sittwe commander orders burning of villages if AA attacks battalions

February 15/ 2024 | View Counts :9612

Sittweregional operation commander has reportedly given orders to burn villages if the Arakan Army (AA) launches attacks on the junta's battalions in thetownship. The development came as surprising news for the villagers.


Theresidents of  Yae Chan Pyin village revealed that they came to knowabout the directive of junta officers to burn the villages if needed. Itpreceded the AA messages to the junta forces to surrender with weapons.


"Wehave heard that if the AA fighters launch attacks they will burn our villages.It causes fears among the villagers. Now they are preparing to leave theirplaces,” said one villager.


Thevillagers also told Narinjara News that they heard about the strict order fromSittwe commander to the soldiers not to surrender. The soldiers are alsodirected to burn nearby villages if the AA fighters attack the junta forces.


Thevillagers from Yae Chan Pyin, Ohn Yae Paw, Kyat Taw Pyin, Thin Pone Tan andPyar Lel Chaung, which are located nearby the military camps, start fleeingafter the news.


Theregional commander arrived at Yae Chan Pyin village by 3 pm on 11 February andordered the blocking of the Yae Chan Pyin river mouth. The  securitymeasures were also tightened. Currently, the civilians are prohibited frommoving through the river.


Now theresidents from Sittwe, Mayu Kan, Mase Kan etc are facing the restriction ontravelling by the river.


"Wedon't even know where to go. We are very scared. We are trying to relocateourselves in the coming days," said a female resident.


On themorning hours of 10 February, the junta forces destroyed the Min Chaung bridgeat the entrance to Sittwe on Yangon-Sittwe highway with a mine attack with anaim to prevent the AA fighters from entering the Arakan capital city.

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