
Intense fighting continues in Kyaukphyu, junta forces launch airstrikes

February 15/ 2024 | View Counts :1586

 As intense fighting continues in Kyaukphyu township ofRakhine State the junta forces conduct airstrikes on the locality.


According to local sources, a number of junta soldierswere killed in the battle and they were buried at Kyaukphyu cemetery undertight security.


The fighting began on 12 February where the junta soldierssuffered casualties. No less than 40 soldiers died and 100 others injured.

Next day more than 20 soldiers were killed and at least 50 were injured. Theinjured soldiers were transported to the 34th infantry battalion and districtgeneral hospital for treatment.

The residents also revealed that due to the intense fighting resulting incasualties among the soldiers, they conducted airstrikes with a Y-12 aircraftin the vicinity of Nget Pyaw Chaung village of  Kulabar.


According to a Kyaukphyu resident, currently 46injured soldiers are receiving treatment at the district general hospital.


“With absence of senior doctors at the hospital, thenurses are engaged on full-time duty," added the resident.

Many seriously injured soldiers were taken to Kyaukphyu district hospital. Thesoldiers with minor injuries were shifted to the 34th battalion using militaryvehicles.

"I don't know the exact number of injured soldiers who were taken back tothe battalion. Currently, there are over 46 in the hospital," added theresident.


In the morning hours of 12 February, the Arakan Armymembers and junta forces engaged in fierce fighting near Nget Pyaw Chaungvillage, located seven  miles away from Kyaukphyu township.

After the first day’s battle, the deceased and injured soldiers were broughtback to their battalions. The bodies were taken to Kyaukphyu cemetery forburial.


"Nearly 16 bodies were loaded on a vehicle at night. I think they were buried at Kyaukphyu cemetery. The securityaround the cemetery was also tightened," said a military aligned source.


The junta forces sent reinforcements from the 542ndlight infantry battalion, 543rd light infantry battalion and 34th infantrybattalion to the battle field. The injured soldiers were taken  back tothe battalions by the military vehicles.

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