A relative of an arrestedyouth informed Narinjara News that the passengers were detained forinterrogation by the soldiers and police personnel at Sittwe airport at 9 am onMonday.
The passengers, many of themyoung, travelled by five Yangon-Sittwe planes.
"My nephew is alsoarrested. He hails from Pauktaw township and is 18 years old. He came via MannYadanarpon airlines. He faced interrogation for hours. I heard that manygovernment employees were released, but he was not released. We have had no contactwith him till now,” added the relative.
The passengers were taken tothe temple at Lawkananda Pagoda in Sittwe.
"The soldiers detainedthe passengers coming by five planes. I guess around 200 people will beinterrogated. I do not know why they are being interrogated,” stated therelative.
The detainees are understoodas being checked for copies of the census. Some were questioned about theirdestination and some were released.
"The soldiers suspect there may be some Arakan Army members among the passengers,"said a Sittwe based government employee.
On 18 February a MyanmarAirline plane landed at Kyaukphyu airport and all the 67 passengers weredetained for interrogation by the general administrator and security personnel.