"The AA fighters can seize the remaining military camps within a week. Many camps are fully captured through the offensivewithin some days only, which indicates that our capabilities reach itspeak," added the statement.
The soldiers have no option but to retreat even though they are desperatelydefending some of their strongholds. However, their defense and resilience aredeclining every day, asserted the statement.
Captain Lin Htet Aung, who joined the CDM, told Narinjara News that the moraleof the soldiers is declining and they are not in a mood to face the frontlinecombats.
The forum opined that it gives an opportunity, not only for them but foreveryone opposing the junta, and they urged the people to get the advantage andfinally eradicate the military dictatorship.
Meanwhile, the AA reiterated its warning to the soldiers to surrender.
"We have observed that in several incidentsacross the Rakhine region many subordinates were spared by the juntacommanders. So we have instructed the camps to surrender before the offensivebegins," said the statement.
Due to some commanders, who had refused to surrender, their subordinates losttheir lives and could not reunite with their families.
Since the beginning of the offensive the AA fightershave captured many military bases, tactical operation command bases, battalionsand division headquarters of the junta. Initially they all refused tosurrender.
Across the Rakhine region, Paletwa locality and otherareas, the AA fighters have captured a number of camps, either independently orin collaboration with the alliance. Now they are launching offensives to capture every camp in their localities.
They have also launchedoffensives against some other junta bases in different townships, concluded thestatement.