Saturday, July 27th 2024

Myoma market in Sittwe struck by junta’s shelling, kills 12 , injures 30 others

  • By: Web Master
  • | Date: 29 February 2024
  • | Viewer: 1.8k

Breaking News

An artillery shell fired by junta forces struck Myoma market in Sittwe, the capital of Rakhine State, resulting in the killing of Twelve  people and injuring 30 others.


According to a female vendor, the artillery shell was fired by the junta's navy personnel from  Sittwe point by 8:30 am today and it landed at U Maung Maung Than warehouse, located west of Yan Pyay Marn Pyay pagoda.


"The artillery shell struck the vegetable warehouse. I heard that the owner of the warehouse was killed. I was also hit by shrapnel from the shell and  I ran away quickly. Many people were injured, but I can not say the exact number,” added the lady.

She apprehended that  due to the crowd around the  market when the artillery shell hit, the number of fatalities may increase.


A social worker told Narinjara News that all the injured individuals are being sent to Sittwe general hospital. He estimates that at least 12 people died and over 30 injured.

"The victims include individuals of all ages, ranging from the elderly to those in their 20s," he added.


Narinjara News can not independently confirm if the vegetable warehouse owner U Maung Maung Than  is also killed. However, the initiative to gather the latest information from the site continues.

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