
Military junta destroys Taungup entry road to block AA fighters

March 20/ 2024 | View Counts :2353

The entrance route to Taungup township on Ann-Taunguphighway in Rakhine State has been destroyed by the junta forces using backhoesto make it  useless  forthe cars with an aim to prevent the Arakan Army (AA) fighters from cominginside.


On Tuesday morning, the main road between thecheckpoint near Taungup University and Mahaw Thadar private high school wasobstructed by piles of earth, preventing any cars from passing through.Additionally, the road near the checkpoint was excavated and destroyed.


"Between Mahaw Thadar school and the checkpoint,there is a large banyan tree. At the road's corner, they have piled up soil,forming an embankment-like structure. They have been working on it sincemorning," said a local resident.


Moreover large pits are being excavated across themain road adjacent to the checkpoint near the university.


Thus the junta forces are demolishing crucial roadsused by  people to travel as they are afraid of AA fighters who may enterTaungup township.


"The junta is apprehending an attack by AAfighters. They are resorting to these actions because they lack the courage toface the conflict. Now if the AA launches an attack, they will probably flee,”added the resident.


Taungup serves as the headquarters of the 5th militaryoperations command (MOC-5) and the local residents reported that the soldiershave made extensive military preparations to prevent MOC-5 from falling.


On the morning of 6 March, an intense clash eruptedbetween the AA fighters and junta soldiers near Bar Yae village, where theprimary substation is located, and Moke village under Taungup township. Thisclash followed after an AA attack on a junta convoy with landmines. Accordingto the military sources, more than 30 soldiers were killed in the incident.

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