
Rakhine State IDPs grapple with difficulties due to food shortage

March 25/ 2024 | View Counts :5531

 After five months of resurgent conflict, the internallydisplaced persons (IDPs) in Rakhine State are experiencing difficulties withfood shortages.

A woman, who fled to a village under  Ponnagyun township from  MinGan village under  Sittwe township, said that some IDPs escaped with justone piece of cloth. They now reside in tents on barren  land and fields,sharing food among themselves. However, due to the prolonged conflict, they areencountering serious food shortages.

"Some individuals, who can afford it, are renting houses in villages, while most of us live in tents. Recently, the tarpaulins wereblown away due to the rain, as we reside in the fields. Some women brought onlytwo pairs of clothes. Some fled with their children. A few of them areresorting to begging because they lack sufficient food supplies. Even those whofled early are facing hardships. The situation is even tougher for those whoescaped later," she added.

According to a list, released by the Arakan Army (AA) on 29 February, there aremore than 300,000 IDPs across Rakhine State following the eruption of conflictbetween the AA fighters and Myanmar military junta forces since 13 October2023.

The conflict has persisted for over five months now, leading to significanthardships to IDPs in various  townships.

According to local social activists, the townships with thelargest numbers of IDPs include Sittwe, Rathedaung, Buthidaung, Maungdaw,Ponnagyun, Pauktaw, Mrauk-U, Minbya, Ann, Kyaukphyu, and Taungup.

A young man engaged in social relief work from  Ponnagyun said, "Weencounter beggars in our vicinity. The seasonal  rain brought strong windthat made it very difficult for those in tents  and residing under trees.We have to appeal for donations (tarpaulins) to rebuild the shelters."

The women and children are suffering from malnutrition and urgently need accessto healthcare (as women lack menstrual pads), he asserted.

The civilians and IDPs are being killed and injured by thejunta’s airstrikes on residential areas, even where there is no ongoingconflict. Many children also died.

Moreover, following the junta's imposition of conscription law, the residentsare fleeing from townships including Sittwe to avoid military harassment underthe law. So the number of IDPs is only increasing.

#Rakhine State
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