
KBZ bank in Mandalay robbed, Kyats 200 million taken away

March 27/ 2024 | View Counts :1094

KBZ bank located at 74th street in Maw Ra Gi War ward(between 31st and 32nd streets) under  Chan Aye Thar Zan township of Mandalay was robbed on 25 March where Kyats 200 million were taken by therobbers.


Local residents informed that the incident took place ataround 11 am. The junta soldiers are now examining the CCTV footage to identifythe culprits.

A local woman revealed that they heard about the robbery.

“But, I'm not sure how much money was robbed,” added thelady.


Armed with guns and axes, three unidentified menentered the  KBZ bank and asked the individuals inside the branch to sitin a corner.


A video clipping showed three unidentified individualsarrived on two motorcycles and started threatening the employees and customerswith guns on their heads. They stole the money in PP woven bags.


Armed robberies are common happenings in Myanmar. On17 November 2023, more than Kyats 1.1 billion worth of gold items were robbedfrom Aung shop at 30th street (between 72nd and 73rd streets) in Chan Aye TharZan township of Mandalay.


On 13 March, Innwa bank in Monywa was also robbed andeven the female manager was taken hostage by the culprits.

The bank robberies were most prevalent between 2021 and 2022, but graduallydecreased. In contrast, gold shop robberies have increased and it occurs onceevery month from May 2022 to February 2024.


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