The military junta has arrested a former ward administrator along with severalfamily members from Sittwe in Rakhine State.
U Thein Shwe Maung, a former ward administrator of block (1)in Ma Kyee Myaing ward under Sittwe township along with his two daughters, twosons-in-law and two granddaughters were arrested from their residence.
An administrator from Sittwe informed Narinjara News thatthey were picked up at around 9:30 pm on 24 March.
"He is a former administrator. One of his sons claimedthat the junta suspected him to be associated with the ULA/AA. The entirefamily was apprehended by a group of 30 soldiers. One granddaughter is still inher adolescent years," he added.
The administrator expressed his concern for those incustody.
"I'm not sure if they were taken to the 20th infantrybattalion or the police station. No reasons were cited for the arrest. Theircurrent whereabouts are not known,” he stated.
The residents alleged that junta soldiers and police personnel frequentlyarrested the passengers travelling by boats from Sittwe to rural areas. Theyoung, middle-aged and even elderly men from rural areas were also detainedshowing no apparent reason.
Since the junta forces resorted to artillery shelling onurban areas including the markets in Sittwe from February, at least 30 innocentpeople died and many residents fled to nearby areas.