The victims have been identified as U Saudi Ramam (aged 55)and Mama Dar (45). Among the injured individuals 11 women are included, said areliable source.
"Four men carrying guns, but with civilian attire,entered the village. They tried to remove a woman from her yard. A middle agedperson from a nearby house came out for her help. Soon many others assembled atthe spot. The armed men suddenly threw a bomb over the crowd," added thesource.
On 28 March, a military vehicle entered the village. Theconversation with the source ended abruptly. The situation is still tense inthe area.
The injured individuals were transported to a militaryhospital near Yay Chan Pyin village.
According to human rights activist Ro Nay San Lwin, at leastfour people died in the incident.
"At 4 pm, two young Rohingya girls from Done Pyin Northvillage in Sittwe were followed by the military scouts from the Hluttaw office.The girls were looking for cow dung to make fuel sticks near the office fence.A crowd gathered upon witnessing the military following the girls.Subsequently, the soldiers threw a bomb to the crowd, resulting in the death ofa Rohingya man. Another bomb was thrown into the crowd and it killed threeRohingya individuals and injured eight others," he posted on social media.
Regarding the incident, Narinjara News tried to contact UHla Thein, spokesperson for the Rakhine State military junta and Sittwenumber 1 police station, but did not receive any response.