Amid ongoing clashes between the Arakan Army (AA) and theJunta, alongside travel restrictions in Rakhine State, bookings for Ngapalibeach hotels during this year's Thingyan festival are only at 30 percent,marking a significant decline from previous years.
According to a hotel manager interviewed by Narinjara, whilelast year saw approximately 80 percent occupancy of Ngapali beach hotels byboth local and foreign tourists during March and April, traditionally known asthe Thingyan period, this year's projected arrival rate is only around 30percent.
"Last year, almost 80 percent of Ngapali hotels werefully booked. However this year, I anticipate only around 30 percent ofvisitors will arrive. In the past, all hotels were bustling with guests duringthis time. Last year, we saw a surge in tourists beginning around this month”,he said.
Before the pandemic and the coup, Thingyan, Myanmar'straditional New Year's festival, thrived as one of the country's most vibrantcelebrations, attracting numerous tourists due to the extended holidays.
Another hotel manager also noted that only a limited numberof guests from Yangon, Mandalay, and southern Shan State have made bookings forthe Thingyan period this year.
In Ngapali Beach Hotel Zone, which comprises approximately50 hotels, motels, and inns, there is little expectation of foreign guestsvisiting Rakhine State this year.
The Ngapali-Yangon flight ticket prices have surged from180,000 MMK to 220,000 MMK, alongside the Junta's order for travelers to obtainapproval letters from police stations and ward administrators, leading to adecline in leisure travelers, also decreasing the number of visitors toNgapali.
The Junta is conducting rigorous inspections on individualstraveling to Thandwe, Ngapali, and Gwa in Rakhine State, as well as thosejourneying to the mainland from these regions, a local said.
"These checks mainly focus on people holding nationalidentification cards (NICs) issued to residents of Rakhine State starting withthe number 11/. The authorities conduct thorough investigations into theaddresses and personal information of these NIC holders. For those deemedsuspicious, they contact the ward administrators who issued the approvalletters and even conduct further inquiries. Now restrictions for those wishingto travel from Rakhine State to mainland regions like Yangon and Mandalay aresignificant. Even air travel for essential purposes is heavily regulated”, hetold Narinjnara.
When asked about the current status of tourist arrivals inRakhine State, the director of the Rakhine State Hotel and Tourism Ministryresponded that it was not feasible to provide a specific statement due to theongoing circumstances in the region.
A group of 10 Russian tourists arrived in Ngapali on October28 as part of a pilot project, following the Junta's announcement to encouragethe arrival of Russian tourists. However, the project turned out to be nothingmore than an empty promise and quickly disappeared.
The Ministry of Hotels and Tourism controlled by the Junta,released a list of 14 destinations prioritized to receive domestic and foreigntourists for this year's tour season, which includes Kyaukphyu, Ngapali, andMunaung in Rakhine State. However in reality there is minimal presence oftravelers in these areas.