
Elderly Chin Man Killed, Woman Injured by Artillery Shell Shrapnel in Ann

April 21/ 2024 | View Counts :7379

Anelderly Chin man was killed, and a middle-aged woman was injured by shrapnelfrom artillery shells fired by junta battalions in Kyat Yae San village, AnnTownship, Rakhine State.


Residentsreported that the deceased was U Chaung, aged over 70, from Kyat Yae Sanvillage, and the injured individual is Daw Pa Yone, approximately 35 years old.


Aresident of Kyat Yae San village informed Narinjara News that an artilleryshell fired by junta battalions based in Ann at about 11 am on April 19 landednear their hiding place close to Kyat Yae San village, Ann Township. Thisincident resulted in the immediate death of a man due to shrapnel, while awoman was seriously injured.


"Therewas a checkpoint near Kyat Yae San village. At that old checkpoint, there was aplace where the soldiers took cover. If the junta soldiers fired artilleryshells, the villagers hid there. Yesterday, an old man was killed by anartillery shell while he was taking cover there. As for the woman, her handswere injured, with flesh chipped off," he said.


AChin woman informed Narinjara News that the injured person is receivingtreatment at a nearby rural hospital, and the villagers are concerned about thepossibility of more artillery shells exploding in the village.


"Theinjured woman is receiving medical treatment. Kyat Yae San village is situatedon the hills, making it difficult for residents to flee due to the distancebetween villages. These villages are located near the Ann-Padan road," sheexplained.


InKazu Kaing, Ann Township, the clash continued until April 19, with artilleryshells fired from the Ann-based 371st Light Infantry Battalion, 372nd LightInfantry Battalion, garrison engineer battalion (GE), and the junta's basebattalions towards residential villages, as reported by Ann residents.

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