
Junta compels Muslims to protest against AA in Sittwe

April 22/ 2024 | View Counts :3557

The junta forces have reportedly paid the Muslims inSittwe township of Rakhine State to protest against the Arakha Army (AA)fighters.


Around 1,000 Muslims launched a protest programstarting from Bu May Muslim village under  Sittwe on Saturday where theyheld banners that read ‘AA is not wanted in Rakhine land’.


"We were pressured by the junta people to join inthe protest. They even threaten to incite ethnic conflicts as happened in 2012.Some Muslims are protesting out of fear. Armed military personnel were seenwith the protesters," said a Muslim youth, who fled to avoid joining theprogram.


The junta has also offered incentives Kyats 200,000 to400,000 to the Muslims, who participated in the protest against the AA. Atthe  same time, they threatened  actions against those who refused.


On 6 April, Rakhine chief minister summoned manyMuslim village administrators and leaders from Sittwe township to his government office and compelledthem to organize an anti-AA protest rally on 20 April.


They ordered that over 1,000 Muslim individuals (whoare above the age of 18)  from Aung Mingalar, Ma Gyi Myaing, Kathae and  Bu May wards in Sittwe township along with nearby Muslim villagesmust participate in the protest.


Major general Zaw Min Tun, spokesperson for theMyanmar junta, however clarified that there was no plan  to incite ethnicor religious conflicts between the Rakhine and Muslim people in Rakhine State.But a Muslim elder revealed that the junta's local administrative bodies werefuelling ethnic conflicts.


"The junta is deliberately stoking up ethnicconflicts between the two communities. Till date both the Rakhine and Muslimpeople are living peacefully here. As the junta soldiers are  facing defeats in many Rakhine battles,they are fuelling the conflicts. The Muslim community should understand it.Their compliance with the junta's demands may be aroused due to fear for theirlives. Nonetheless, we stand united in the Rakhine land,” said a localresident.


In Buthidaung locality, where many people have soughtrefuge, the junta soldiers compelled Muslims to destroy several Rakhine houseswith an intention to fuel ethnic conflicts.


The local Muslims there protested on 19 March againstthe AA. Similarly on 21 and 22 March, several Muslims staged protests in Sittweholding banners reading ‘We don't want the AA’.

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