Kant Kaw Ni Ni, Aung Kywe Nyein
The junta forces have reportedly conducted manyairstrikes on Kyaukphyu township of Rakhine State. The navy andbattalions also fired artillery shells resulting in the injury of a civilian.
The areas where the junta soldiers conducted artillery shelling andairstrikes include the mountains between Kyaung Khoe and Chaung Phyar villagesalong with the nearby areas to Laung Chaung village under MyoChaung sub-township.
The individual hit by shell shrapnel is identified as U Aye Khin Maung (45) whohails from Chaung Phyar village.
On 11 May, the junta soldiers conducted two rounds ofairstrikes with the jet fighters on the mountains between Kyaung Khoe andChaung Phyar villages at around 2 and 4 pm, said a military source.
"The airstrikes were carried out by the jet fighters on the mountains between Kyaung Khoe and Chaung Phyarvillages even though there was no incidents of fighting. Later, the jetfighters arrived once again and conducted airstrikes over those areas,"added the source.
Furthermore, the junta's navy and battalions firedartillery shells that injured U Aye Khin Maung from Chaung Phyar village in histhigh and forehead.
"There was a military vessel located near Min Pyin village, whichfired artillery shells almost every day. Doe Tan Baung police battalion alsoengaged in firing the artillery shells," stated the source.
During the midnight of 11 May and early hours on 12May, the junta forces conducted airstrikes using a jet fighter near LaungChaung village under Myo Chaung sub-township. Many windows of thevillage school were damaged by the shell shrapnel.
"However, there was no casualty," asserted the source, adding thatthe airstrikes were conducted twice, where the school building and its windowswere damaged," said a villager.
As the villagers went to sleep, the junta forcesconducted the airstrikes with jet fighters. It led the residents of LaungChaung village to seek refuge in bomb shelters and other safe areas.
The junta forces are stationed at the industrialtraining centre near Min Tat Taung village and they are carrying out droneattacks on Thit Pote Taung intersection every day. On 12 May, they conductedanother bomb attack, added the villager.