Saturday, July 27th 2024

CPJ demands an immediate release of Rakhine journalist Ko Htet Aung

Lu Htet Naing, Narinjara News, 18 May 2024


The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) called the military regime on 16 May  to drop all charges against Rakhine journalist Ko Htet Aung and release him immediately.


CPJ Asia stated that the military regime must cease its senseless legal persecution of Development Media Group (DMG) reporter Htet Aung and asked the regime to drop all terrorism charges.


"Myanmar must drop all pending charges against detained Rakhine State reporter Htet Aung and stop using false allegations of terrorism to intimidate and jail reporters," said a CPJ Asia statement.

On 29 October 2023 (Full Moon Day of Thadingyut)  Ko Htet Aung was detained by the junta soldiers while taking news photographs of the alms offering festival at Win Ka Bar field in Sittwe town.


After his arrest, the junta soldiers also raided the DMG office and arrested night-watchman Ko Soe Win Aung. They also confiscated cameras, computers and office accessories before sealing the office.


Following their arrest, the junta charged them under section 65 of telecommunications law and section 52(a) of counter terrorism law. But even after six months of their arrest, the case has not been fully investigated till date.


If  found guilty Ko Htet Aung will be sentenced to a maximum of 12 years in prison.


Shawn Crispin, senior CPJ southeast Asia representative, called on the military regime to cease their senseless legal persecution of Ko Htet Aung and release him immediately.

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