
Myanmar forces kill 256 people in May, Arakan records highest casualties: AAPP

June 08/ 2024 | View Counts :1203

Lu Htet Naing, Narinjara News, 8 June 2024

The Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP) revealed that duringMay a total of 256 individuals, including 74 women, were killed across Myanmardue to the actions taken by the military regime in Naypyidaw.


The AAPP  statement, issued on 5 June, also stated thatthe deceased individuals were authenticated with their name and other details.


Among the victims, there are two categories, where some wereshot dead and others were killed after their arrest within 1 to 31 May 2024.


The highest death tolls occurred in Arakan State, where 48individuals were killed after being captured by the junta soldiers.

At least  58 individuals, including 7 women, were fatally shot dead and 39of these fatalities took place in Sagaing region.

Similarly, 86 individuals, including 8 women, were killed after being detained.Arakan State recorded the highest number of such deaths (48).

From the military coup (1 February 2021) till 5 June 2024, the total number ofdemocracy activists and people killed during the spring revolution by the juntaforces along with its affiliates  reached 5,233. The AAPP compiled aseparate list of  1,800 victims, whose names are still under investigationand necessary verification.


Additionally, a total of 26,824 people were arrested duringthe military coup, out of them 20,565 are still behind bars. Moreover, 9,156were sentenced to prison terms.

"There are 124 post-coup death-row prisoners. 119 were already sentencedin absentia with 43 receiving death sentences. 6,259 people werereleased," added the statement.

These are the figures compiled by the AAPP, where actual numbers will be muchhigher. The AAPP said that they will continue updating the information as moredetails are confirmed.


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