
AA rescues 400 residents from Thandwe's Gawt village

June 13/ 2024 | View Counts :4039

Lu Htet Naing, NarinjaraNews, 13 June 2024

The Arakan Army (AA) has rescued over 400 residents  from Gawt village inNgapali beach under  Thandwe township of Arakan State amid the ongoing gunfighting in the locality.

The local residents stated that the villagers were trappeddue to the conflict between the junta forces and AA fighters on 8 and 9 June,whom they rescued.


"The villagers were trapped due to the junta’sairstrikes for many days. The AA fighters successfully rescued them and sentthem to AA controlled areas for necessary support,” said an individualcurrently supporting the villagers.


"Many residents came forward supporting thedisplaced families. The monks are providing food and other items to them. Thedisplaced villagers, who had to leave their houses, farms, fields and otherbelongings, now prefer to go home,” added the individual.


In Shwe Hlay sub-township, which is now under AA’s control, there are more than a thousand displaced persons hailing fromDaw Mya, Kyaung Kone, Pa Yit, Yae Kauk and Nat Taung Maw and Gawt villages.


On 7 June, the AA announced that their fightersattacked a speedboat belonging to the junta soldiers, which sank near Gawtmountain in the northern Ngapali beach.

The fighting areas spread around 2.6 and 6.5 km northwest of Ngapali (Ma Zin)airport in Thandwe.

The AA fighters advanced to the airport and the junta soldiers continueddefending it with military support from the army, navy and air force personnel.


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