
Junta’s airstrikes on 3 Ann villages kill three family members, destroy monastery

June 21/ 2024 | View Counts :2021

Thinzar New, Narinjara News, 21 June 2024


The junta forces launched a series of airstrikes onthree villages under  Ann township of Arakan State that killed a4-year-old child along with two others of a family. Two individuals sustainedinjuries and a monastery with three other houses were also destroyed.

The victims include Maung Nay Moe Than (4), Ma May Zin Aye (17) and Ko Than WinNaing (25) who were residents of Thea Kan Htaung village. The injuredindividuals are U Maung Pu (45) and Daw Ma Yin Aye (68).

Sin Oo Tike village monastery and three houses in Kazu Kaing village weredestroyed.


A local resident informed Narinjara News that thejunta soldiers fired a missile from a jet fighter over  Thea Kan Htaungvillage at around 11 am on 20 June. The missile struck a house resulting in anexplosion and the casualties. The junta’s airstrikes also hit  Sin Oo Tikeand Kazu Kaing villages.

"A jet fighter initiated an airstrike on Thea KanHtaung village followed by a bombing on the monastery. Another airstriketargeted Kazu Kaing village resulting in the collapse of three houses,"added the resident.


The junta soldiers are deliberately conductingairstrikes on the residential villages amidst intense fighting against ArakhaArmy fighters at Kazu Kaing Taw Hein Taung tactical operation command in Annlocality.

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