Maung Sar Ga, Narinjara News, 1 August 2024
The military junta's decision to extend the state ofemergency for another six months may worsen and complicate the country’smilitary situation, opined eminent political analyst U Than Soe Naing.
The junta leader senior general Min Aung Hlaing'sdecision to prolong the state of emergency, while failing to implementpolitical reforms that the people expected, may lead to the increased tensions,he apprehended.
"I believe Min Aung Hlaing is determined to claimthe presidency and continue ruling alone. The civilian government led by TheinSein or the coalition entity which the people are expecting will notmaterialize very soon. Min Aung Hlaing has shown a strong military resolve tokeep attacking revolutionary forces and continue the violence. If it continues,the Myanmar military situation will become more complicated,” added U Than SoeNaing.
On 31 July, the national defense and security council(NDSC), under the chairmanship of Min Aung Hlaing as the acting President inNay Pyi Taw, decided to extend the state of emergency for another six months.
U Than Soe Naing, while talking to Narinjara News overthe issue, noted that Min Aung Hlaing may use the extension to advance hisplans for holding the elections and convening the Hluttaw (Parliament) with anaim to elect himself as the new President of Myanmar. However, U Than Soe Naingexpressed apprehension if a broad and democratic election is possible underthis situation.
Arakanese political analyst U Pe Than argued thatholding the elections under the escalating military conflicts will not befeasible.
"It is impossible to hold a free & fairnationwide election at this moment,” said the former member of Pyithu Hluttawrepresenting Myebon township, adding that it is only possible ‘to conduct asham election with ballot boxes set up in specific office buildings’.
On 18 March, the junta chief Min Aung Hlaing during an interview with the Russian media in Yangon said that the generalelections would be conducted in areas where it’s feasible within sixmonths after the state of emergency was lifted.
But today, he replaced acting President U Myint Swe,who was on a medical leave, and chaired himself the NDSC meeting.