Narinjara News, 28 September 2024
The Arakan Army's (AA) information team issued astatement regarding the ongoing fighting in Ann, Gwa, and Maungdaw townships ofArakan State.
Ann township
On 26 September at 11:50 am, the fighting eruptedbetween the AA fighters and a group of 100 junta soldiers from the 346th,373rd, and 372nd light infantry battalions under the Military OperationsCommand (MOC-5) in 400 meters west of Kyauk Sa Kwel village.
The fighting lasted nearly two hours, during which theAA fighters recovered five bodies of junta soldiers. They also seized a largevolume of weapons, ammunition and military equipment.
At around 10:00 am on 27 September, the fightingresumed near the site of the previous day's clash, forcing the junta soldiersto retreat with casualties.
The AA fighters seized military equipment, ammunitionand arms from the camp.
Gwa Township
Fighting took place for more than two hours on 24September from 1:50 to 3:20 pm on the hills near Kyeintali road, located about1,000 meters southeast of Kyauk Par Sat village.
Maungdaw township
In an effort to fully occupy Maungdaw town, the AAfighters are chasing the junta soldiers who were hiding in residentialbuildings. Those include the junta-trained Muslim terrorist outfits and groupslike ARSA, RSO, ARA, etc.
The AA stated that the offensive will continue tofully capture the junta's 5th Border Guard Police Battalion (NaKhaKha-5), whichis the only remaining battalion on the outskirts of Maungdaw.
The AA will also continue to escalate its offensivesto capture all remaining junta military bases in the Arakan region.