
AA delivers weapons to CDF-Matupi brigade-1

October 01/ 2024 | View Counts :1781

ThinzarNwe, Narinjara News, 30 September 2024


Inan effort to strengthen the alliance,  the Arakan Army (AA) transferredweapons and ammunition to the Chinland Defense Force-Matupi (brigade-1), amember of the Chin Brotherhood, during a handover ceremony held on 27 September.


Theceremony was attended by commanders of both the AA and CDF-Matupi brigade-1along with their fighters.


Duringceremony, the commanders from both sides reaffirmed their commitment tostrengthen the alliance between the two armed organizations.


Theyalso insisted on enhancing military cooperation beyond the current level.

 Thecommanders highlighted the importance of fostering mutual love and friendship,noting that the Arakanese and Chin people coexisted as neighbors forgenerations, said a  statement issued by CDF-Matupi brigade-1.


Itexpressed deep gratitude to the AA  for their collaborative efforts in thebattle fields against the junta forces in Chin State and also for providingessential weapons and ammunition.


TheAA is a resistance force actively fighting against the junta soldiers not onlyin Arakan State but also in Chin State, Kachin State, Northern Shan State,Karen State, Sagaing region, Magway region and Bago region, under the objectiveto oust the junta and bring

freedomto all oppressed ethnic groups in Myanmar.


TheAA has garnered public respect and praise for continuously defeating the juntasoldiers in every battle across Arakan State.

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