Monday, May 20th 2024

All village-tract administrators in Thandwe resign due to military service law

All the village-tract administrators in Thandwe township of Rakhine State have submitted their resignation letters  on Monday due to the pressure created by the military junta's military service law.

There are 72 village-tracts in Thandwe and according to a reliable source all of them have  resigned and sent letters to  the district general administration office on 18 March.

The village-tract administrators were conducting field recruitment initiatives for military personnel following the pressure of higher authorities. But they faced a difficult time due to the hostility from villagers on the ground.


"The administrators encountered difficulties when conducting recruitment drives for the military service. That's why they submitted their resignations," said a reliable source.


They are also apprehending their arrest  by the military junta after submitting the  resignation letters.


The committee of summoning people's military servants was established in Thandwe on 6 March. Beginning from  March, two young men from each village-tract will have to be chosen by lottery for  military training.


The junta has compelled the administrators to recruit young people every four months and it puts  them in a difficult situation to face both the junta and villagers.

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