Narinjara News, 11 April 2024
The juntaforces have arrested the administrator of Gone Chwein village-tract under Kyaukphyu township of Rakhine State.
On 9 Aprilat 10:30 pm, U Maung Aye Kyi, the administrator, was arrested from hisresidence, said the family members.
"Theyarrested him citing no reason. He is probably being detained at 34thinfantry battalion base,” said a family member.
The familymembers are demanding his immediate release.
A formermember of Pyithu Hluttaw from Kyaukphyu locality commented that the localpeople are now scared after witnessing the arbitrary arrest of an administrator by the soldiers.
"Ifthey can arrest a village administrator for no reason during the waterfestival, which the military junta is also planning to celebrate, anybody canbe picked up. It reflects a dangerous atmosphere,” he added.
Accordingto the humanitarian and development cooperation office (HDCO) of the ULA/AA,the military junta has arrested 471 civilians, including 47 women, from 13November to 21 March.