Saturday, July 27th 2024

7 Rakhine children injured in remnant bomb explosion in Maungdaw

At least seven  Rakhine children were injured as they were playing with a remnant bomb in the northern part of Maungdaw township on 13 April. The incident took place at around 7 am and four children out of them sustained serious injuries.


The injured children include  Maung Ne Myat Lin (8 years old), Maung Kyaw Win (10),  Maung Nyan Myint (8),  Maung Aung Aung Htay (4) Maung Chong Myat San (8) Maung Win Htay (9) and Maung Win Naing (11).


They all hail  from Taman Thar village, where gun fighting erupted between the junta forces and Arakha Army (AA) fighters recently.


A Maungdaw resident informed that the children were playing at a field near the village. They saw a bomb and started playing with it. Soon the bomb exploded and seven young boys were injured.


They sustained injuries in arms, legs, backs and thighs. All are now receiving medical treatment at a community clinic.


"The children have no idea about the weapons left over there. There is a lack of awareness in the entire community. Four had serious injuries,” added the resident.


There are about 20 houses in Taman Thar  (east) Rakhine village and 40 in Taman Thar (west) Rakhine village. Both are is located about nine  miles away from Kyin Chaung village-tract in the northern part of Maungdaw.


On 26 March, Tamman Thar border guard station was fully captured by the AA fighters following which  90 junta soldiers surrendered to the AA.

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